* New cursors mode and other minor improvements in GUI. * Visualization for harrisons and passengers. "Disable howitzers" - disables howitzers in reinforcements. "Capture period" - periodical reinforcements' interval. The colors will be assigned automatically, with red, yellow, brown and orange colors go to the red team while all others - to the blue one. "Random color" - setting this option "ON" prevents all players from changing their color. * Added new options for multiplayer games: * Fireglow own matchmaking service SuddenStrikeNet. The engine is targeted for RTS games mainly, utilizing a bird's-eye view of the battlefield, with free camera control and close-ups supported.

It utilizes the most recent versions of DirectX and OpenGL APIs, thus taking advantage of modern graphics accelerators power. * Checked and corrected units’ stats, such as tower rotation speed, rate of fire, number of crew and ammunition to make them proper from the historical point of view. New 3D engine will be used in Sudden Strike 3 and other upcoming games. * Original missions are reworked to bring replayability. * Machineguns and mortars can be loaded in trucks. There are four campaigns two of them are on the Pacific islands, and two of them in Europe. The game focuses on real events of the World War II. * Tank commanders can prop their heads out of the hatch to increase the range of sight. For Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory on the PC, GameFAQs has 11 critic reviews. * Some tanks can carry up to 6 soldiers on them. When AI firing is OFF for soldiers in a house, it will be shown as neutral for enemies until an enemy will try to occupied the building. * Added 3 new single player missions: "Krasnograd", "Barvenkovo", "Winter Strike". * Added 2 new multiplayer missions: "The Island of abandoned tanks", "Two Junctions". Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory v1.4 Patch/Addon contains: