Newborn napper station with beautifully-styled, extra-soft velour to cuddle baby.Ships in Certified Frustration-Free Packaging.New, larger changing table is safe for use with babies up to 30 pounds and provides time saving-convenience during diaper changes.Introduce baby to your favorite songs with an MP3 docking station that also controls the soothing vibration in the napper and bassinet.Removable, full-size bassinet with wrapover fabrics for extra comfort provides the perfect spot for baby to catch a nap.

Removable, full-size bassinet with wrapover fabrics for extra comfort provides the perfect spot for baby to catch a nap.Introduce baby to your favorite songs with an MP3 docking station that also controls the soothing vibration in the napper and bassinet.New, larger changing table is safe for use with babies up to 30 pounds and provides time saving-convenience during diaper changes.Ships in Certified Frustration-Free Packaging.Newborn napper station with beautifully-styled, extra-soft velour to cuddle baby.Hopefully you will satisfied with Graco Pack 'N Play with Newborn Napper Elite, Vance We guarantee you will get Graco Pack 'N Play with Newborn Napper Elite, Vance Save prices here. This product Graco 1812883 Amazon is always the Save prices than other stores and the shipping was very very fast Press below to check now before price up ! Enjoy shopping Graco 1812883 Save Price

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